Village Playground
The Easton Royal Playground Fundraising Group (ERPFG) was set up in January 2021 with the aim of raising funds to provide a new playground for the village. Its Constitution and Mission Statement were approved and supported by the Parish Council.
Thanks to the enormous generosity of the residents, several grants, fundraising events and a massive amount of help from many volunteers, Phase 1 of the new playground was installed in July 2021, opened in August 2021 and the official Grand Opening was celebrated on 10th September 2021.
This playground is owned, managed and maintained by the Parish Council. ROSPA carry out an annual inspection and a councillor checks the equipment once a week. However, we ask you to immediately report to the Parish Clerk any accidents or issues you may become aware of.
Phase 2 is the planned completion of the basketball key court for the enjoyment of older children and adults alike.
The Old New Playground 1991
The New Playgound 2021
Grand opening - 10th September 2021
Of course it had to rain...